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        Item Compact FAK 2-in-1 Family FAK Metal Tin Small All Purpose Deluxe FAK
        BZK Towelette 2 5 4 4 20
        Personal Anti-Microbial Hand Wipes 2
        Adhesive Bandages 1″ x 3″ 5 5 5 10
        Adhesive Bandages 3/8″ x 1.5″ 5 26 5 25
        Adhesive Bandage 3/4″ x 3″ 10 25 5 15 35
        Adhesive Bandages 1.5″ x 1.5″ 5 5
        Adhesive Bandages 2″ x 4.5″ 1 1 4
        Adhesive Jr. Bandages 5
        Fingertip Bandage 1 2 1 1 4
        Knuckle Bandage 1 2 1 1 4
        Non-Adherent Bandage 2″ x 3″ 1 2
        Elastic Bandage 1
        Triangular Bandages 2 2
        Sterile Gauze Pads 3″ x 3″ 5 3 6
        Sterile Gauze Pads 4″ x 4″ 5 6
        Non-Sterile Conforming Roller Gauze 2″ 1
        Rolled Gauze 2″ x 4 yards 1
        Individually Wrapped Rolled Gauze 3″ 1 2
        Individually Wrapped Rolled Gauze 4″ 1 2
        Combine Pads 5″ x 9″ 2 2
        First Aid Tape 1/5″ x 2.5 yards 1
        First Aid Tape 1/2″ x 2.5 yards 1
        Tape – 1″ x 5 yards 2
        First Aid Tape 1″ x 10 yards 1
        Triple Antibiotic Pack 0.9gm 1 5 2
        Antibiotic Ointment 0.5 oz. tube 1
        Hand Sanitizer Packets 0.9gm 1 4 2 4
        Hydrocortisone Packet 1gm 1 2 1 4
        Wire Scissor 1
        Pair Scissors 1
        Pair Tweezers 1 1 1
        Pair Vinyl Gloves 1 2 1 4
        Instant Cold Pack 1 1 1 2
        Patho-Shield Plus CPR Barrier 1
        CPR Breathing Barrier 1 1
        First Aid Instruction Guide 1 1 1
        Emergency Blanket 1 1
        Single-Use Disposable Thermometer 1 2
        Wood Splints 2
        Sting Relief Pads 5
        Self Adhesive Wrap 1
        Penlight 1
        Item Compact FAK 2-in-1 Family FAK Metal Tin Small All Purpose Deluxe FAK
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